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Ugandan Government Officials visit Colorado

Kris Shiner

This past week we have had the honor of hosting several officials from Jinja, Uganda, our guests included:

*His Worship the Mayor Majidu Batambuze, Mayor of the Jinja Municipal Council, delegation leader and Chairperson of Mayors in Uganda.

*Mr. Francis Byabagambi, Jinja Municipal Council Town Clerk

*Honorable Moses Grace Balyeku, Member of Parliament representing Jinja Municipality West

*Councillor Mayo Benard, senior Councillor in Jinja Municipal Council

*Nelson Lufafa, Member of Parliament

*Leila Kayondo Assistant to the Mayor

They have had a busy week meeting with the Governor's Office in Denver, local members of the Northern Colorado Business community, as well as an Interview with Channel 9 Producer/ Guest host Tawnya Rush on Colorado and Company KUSA-TV.

Additionally, they met with dignitaries from Colorado Springs and Denver.

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