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Uganda School "Wins"

Pam McCormick

As you may remember H.E.L.P. has 21 students in secondary school right now because of sponsorships. However you can rejoice with us at some other "wins".

Henry, pictured with his sponsor, is nearly finished with his electrical installations certificate. He went as far as Primary 7 and then, instead of going on to secondary, he went directly into a vocational school. He is 20 and will soon be on his own with a good skill.

Jackie, in the graduation gown, has fought her way through secondary and now Makere University to graduate with her credentials in Social Work. She has a good position with Heal Ministries in their daycare. This is quite a feat for this young woman and she thanks her sponsors, Nadine, Christine, and Lynn for standing with her. She is a special young woman we are proud to know.

Newly added to this group is a young man, Patrick. Patrick's mother died leaving her children with her best friend to raise. She could hardly care for her own, so there was hunger rampant and no schooling available. Sponsors stepped up and Patrick and his siblings enrolled in the H.E.L.P. Primary school. Patrick was older, so last year he was 16, and in Primary 5. That is hard for a 16 year old guy, so this year he elected to attend a vocational school to learn metal working. His sponsor supported this decision so he is on his way to a self supporting future!

Usually we think of sponsoring the young ones and I am really glad they touch hearts and have years of their lives with the hope that education brings. However, the older ones are wonderful as you get so see them become young adults with a future they wouldn't have had without a sponsor's help.

These three are shining examples of God's love through sponsorships.

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