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Uganda Mission Trip February 2017

H.E.L.P. International Masese, Uganda February 2017 JOIN US JULY 14-23 ON OUR NEXT TRIP TO UGANDA

Break my heart for what breaks yours....

We attended Church service at Pastor Fredrick Ojiambo’s Healing Driven Church in Masese. Kasey, Peace for Paul Ministries, joined us and blessed us with her joy and love for the Ugandan people.

Sarah Gay was baptized in the mouth of the Nile River by Pastor Fredrick & Godfrey, 15 others were baptized as well by Sarah Gay & Pastors. Later Sunday, 22 ministers & bishops gathered from Masese 1, 2, & 3, to thank Jean Kaye and H.E.L.P. International for the school and working in their communities. They asked Jean Kaye for a Word from God and to lead them in prayer.

Accompanied Rita, H.E.L.P. School Social Worker, to meet the family we have been sponsoring. Our $30/month provides for all educational needs, food at school and on weekends for the family of each child we sponsor. Teachers can be sponsored for $75/month, which provides for their salary & food.

We served posho & beans to children, mixed with “mingling stick”.

Billy, P5 teacher, came from Gulu, in northern Uganda where Lord's Resistant's Army (Sudan/Congo) kidnapped kids ages 3-12 to fight in their army. The kids would run into town at night & hide in the buildings to keep safe. Billy hid between the buildings, he lost his whole family, the human spirit is so resilient. H.E.L.P. International has paid for him to go to University & get his teaching degree.

H.E.L.P. International School has been accredited by the Ugandan Government, our computer lab is the largest in Jinja. Children and community members are taught to use computers, classes include: Excel, QuickBooks, Word. We also met with Mayor of Jinja, Majid Batambuze, and council members.

Kisima Island Nursery School – located in Lake Victoria, the 2nd largest fresh water lake in the world. We boarded a boat to Kisima Island, which held 19 people, $1.00 to cross, we brought backpacks & Uniform t-shirts to 76 children ages 3-6 at our Kisima Island Nursery School. They wore threadbare clothes, SMILES, and played Simon Says with us. We feed them one meal each school day.

Took Ezra, Pastor Paul’s 9-year-old son, to an American Hospital for typhoid treatment (Salmonella typhi-bacteria). We went to pharmacy, they did not carry electrolytes to help him. H.E.L.P. International paid for blood work and follow up visits to help heal Ezra heal.

We brought water filters to Wanyange & Musima to filter bacteria out of their drinking water. Wanyange needs terraced steps, women and children haul 15 gallons of H2O each day up 45o hill, 1/3 mile in length, for each family. Lydia spoke for the women and how exhausted they were carrying babies and water several times each day up from the Spring. Patrick, and young community workers are helping villages. We met Pastor Paul’s 90-year-old grandmother.

Blessing of bead ladies and children, new designs, praise God for their outreach and ingenuity.

Sarah Gay ~ Masese beads Nile Guest House~Florence Pastor Fredrick, Rosette & family

Arrived at school by 7:30 for school assembly, which included raising Uganda & school flags, all 3 of us spoke into their lives encouraging them to continue in school, what a blessing to God & from God they are. While Jean had meeting Kris & Sarah Gay walked around the school grounds praying over each part & person sitting outside. We attended a Praise service on Friday afternoon with the teachers, Arthur led the worship, Jean Kaye delivered a message stating that character matters, she taught the lesson of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego. Whether anyone is watching or not, hard times will come, this is when Jesus is the closest. We strive to please God, who is the real provider.

Safari – tree climbing lion, patience!!

James 1:4 (NKJV) 4 But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.


I see the king of glory Coming on the clouds with fire The whole earth shakes The whole earth shakes


I see his love and mercy Washing over all our sin The people sing The people sing



Hosanna Hosanna in the highest [x2]

I see a generation Rising up to take their place With selfless faith With selfless faith

I see a near revival Stirring as we pray and seek We're on our knees We're on our knees


Heal my heart and make it clean Open up my eyes to the things unseen Show me how to love like you have loved me

Break my heart for what breaks yours Everything I am for Your kingdom's cause As I walk from earth into eternity

[Chorus x2]

Hosanna in the highest

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